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Archive for the 'Site Features' Category

Fastelavn in Denmark: A Carnival Experience Like No Other

Carnival is a Christian holiday that’s celebrated in numerous countries, so it should come as no surprise that Denmark—a nation with a roughly 75% Christian population and a long history of spirituality—observes it, too.  Called Fastelavn in Denmark, this holiday shares many things in common with Carnival celebrations in other countries as well as Western Halloween traditions. But there are some...fascinating...components of the Danish version that may surprise you!  Are you ready to delve into this fun holiday and pick up some new Danish vocabulary? 1. What is Fastelavn?  Fastelavn is the Danish version of the traditionally Catholic holiday of Carnival. It takes place seven weeks prior to Easter... Show more

Premium PLUS: The Golden Ticket for Language-Learning

Do you remember the moment you fell in love with languages? Do you desire to learn or advance in Danish quickly and effectively? Then you need a Danish tutor. A common question that first-time language-learners ask is "Where do I begin?" The answer? Guidance. For native English-speakers who want to learn Asian languages, for example, timelines provided by the U.S. Foreign Service Institute can appear discouraging. However, defeating these odds is not unheard of. If you want to beat the odds yourself, one of the best learning options is a subscription to Premium PLUS from Innovative Language. As an active Premium PLUS member of JapanesePod101.com and KoreanClass101.com myself, I have an enjoyable experience learning at an accelerated... Show more

Sankthansaften: Celebrating St. John’s Eve in Denmark

What are your favorite things to do during summer? Are there any special holidays or festivals where you live? Midsummer in Denmark means warm weather, lots of great seasonal food, and burning witches over a bonfire (it’s not what it sounds like!). In this article, you’ll learn about St. John’s Eve traditions in Denmark, discover what this holiday used to look like, and pick up some useful summertime vocabulary. Let’s get started. 1. What is St. John’s Eve in Denmark? What we know as St. John’s Eve today was originally a pagan holiday that started in Germany. The Germans of the time believed that there were witches that flew into Bloksbjerg in midsummer, during the evenings and nights. They would light bonfires to... Show more

Your Learning, Streamlined – The New Lesson Interface

Your Learning, Streamlined – The New Lesson Interface Your learning is about to get a whole lot easier. More than ever, learners are choosing mobile as the platform to study Danish. Mobile has always been a part of our DNA. We began our life on your iPod, and have remained by your side ever since. In our 11th year, we’re returning to our roots as a way to learn Danish on-the-go. How? With a brand-new lesson interface just for you. Hint: It will launch in beta later this month! If you want to secure access to this brand new upgrade, take advantage of the upcoming All Access Pass Sale! Click Here to Get 25% OFF All DanishClass101 Subscriptions! (example taken from japanesepod101.com) It’s built from the ground-up to be... Show more

DanishClass101 Free Lifetime Account: Is it really free?

You want to learn Danish but you don't want to spend a cent. You don't want to lose time creating an account if they ask you for your credit card just after. For you Danish learner, we tell you how you will access great resources for free for life and without card or having to pay. This is your unique path to fluency for free. DanishClass101 is not really free, is it? Although there are paid plans, yes, it is FREE. Every single lesson that we have ever created has been free for a certain period of time. And every new audio and video lesson (we publish 3-5 lessons a week) is completely free to access for 3 weeks before going into our lesson library. What's a Free Lifetime Account? A Free Lifetime Account is – simply put – a free... Show more

The Top 5 Shortcuts To Learning Danish!

Hey Listeners! So you've decided to study Danish, now what? Chances are you're looking to become fluent and conversational as fast as possible, right? Well then, look no further! This is the list for you! Without further ado, here are the top 5 shortcuts to learning Danish! Click Here To Start Learning Danish Right Now! 1. Create A Study Schedule And Set Some Goals: This one may seem obvious, but you'd be surprised how many unorganized language learners there are in the world! Creating a schedule allows you to manage your time wisely, enabling you to free up time to study consistently. Goals are also a key component of learning Danish. These give you motivation and something to strive for. 2. Make It Fun: You may... Show more

Introducing Our Brand New Dashboard!

Hey Listeners! Guess what? Your language learning goals just got a little easier! As you’ve probably realized by now, there have been some major improvements made to your dashboard! These updates have been designed to improve your overall experience with the website and help keep you organized and on-track! Here are a few of the changes: Your progress is now tracked right, smack in the middle of the page to keep you motivated and organized. A new, sleek and easy to navigate design allows you to worry less about where to click and more on learning Danish! An enlarged profile picture that gives your dashboard a unique and more personal feel. A new layout for the “Latest News” feed to keep you informed on all of the most recent... Show more

The Top 5 Reasons To Learn A New Language… NOW!

Are you currently debating whether or not to learn Danish? You aren't alone. Learning a new language requires a huge investment of time, and often money as well. That's why so many people are hesitant to spend the amount of effort required to become fluent in another language. However, learning a new language can be one of the most rewarding experiences in life and there are a number of reasons why you should start studying one... and start studying now! Click Here And Start Learning Danish With A FREE Account! More Opportunities That's right. It's not rocket science. A new language can open up many new doors. You're able to work in countries other than your own, leading to a world of new opportunities. It can also qualify... Show more

Inside: Your New Free App, 34% OFF & Even More Danish Lessons in 2016

Hello Listener, What say you to a cup of tea? How about...a new app, our 34 Language Celebration and 34% OFF Premium and MORE Danish lessons by real teachers? Bam! Didn’t expect that, did you? The year’s just started and you’re already getting the newest study tools and best deals. So what’s this new app that you’re getting? And what’s this celebration? Keep reading! In this month’s newsletter: Join the 34 Language Celebration & Get 34% OFF Premium New iPhone & iPad App! Get Free Mini-Lessons Every Day 2016 Lesson Schedule! Your Danish Lessons for the New Year 1) Celebrate our 34 Languages & Get 34% OFF Premium! You asked, we listened. And on January 1st, we launched the new websites for Afrikaans, Romanian and Urdu!... Show more

Starts Now! Save Up to 45% with the 12-Month DanishClass101 Challenge

Welcome to 2016, listener! Making New Year’s resolutions is easy. Keeping them? Well, that’s usually a lot harder, but if your resolution was to learn Danish in the next year – then we’re about to make your resolution a LOT easier and more affordable thanks to: The 12-Month DanishClass101 Challenge! The “Challenge” is quite simple: Learn AND master Danish in the next 12 months. How is this possible? Because we’re providing FULL ACCESS to our Premium or Premium PLUS plans at up to 45% OFF, so your dream of learning Danish has never been more affordable Click Here to Get 12 Months of Premium for Just $99! Click Here to Get 1 Full Year of Premium PLUS for Just $199! But wait – we’re not... Show more