
Vocabulary (Review)

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Lesson Transcript

Eric: Hi everyone, I’m Eric.
Anna: And I’m Anna!
Eric: And welcome to Culture Class: Essential Danish Vocabulary, Lesson 20! In this lesson you'll learn 5 essential words related to Transportation and getting around town. These are five frequently used modes of transportation in Denmark. Hand picked. You can find a complete list of vocabulary at DanishClass101.com

Lesson focus

Eric: Anna, what’s our first word?
Anna: metro
Eric: metro
Anna: (slow) metro (regular) metro
Eric: Listeners, please repeat:
Anna: metro
[pause - 5 sec.]
The metro or subway in Copenhagen first started operation in 2002. However, it has yet to be finished and they are currently working on the fourth stage. It’s scheduled to open in 2018 and will run 24/7.
Eric: Now let's hear a sample sentence using this word.
Anna: (normal) Metroen kører døgnet rundt.
Eric: The Metro operates around the clock.
Anna: (slow) Metroen kører døgnet rundt.
Eric: Okay, what’s the next word?
Anna: bil
Eric: car
Anna: (slow) bil (regular) bil
Eric: Listeners, please repeat:
Anna: bil
[pause - 5 sec.]
Most Danes over 18 own or have access to a car, with some exceptions in the bigger cities where owning a car is a hassle. Cars can become very old in Denmark and most people buy used cars. The main reason for this is that a new car costs around 3 times as much as it would in any other country. The Danish state has very large taxes on cars. Still, in recent years, the state has made green-taxes, or rather green-deductions, which is an encouragement to change the old fuel-inefficient car fleet out with more modern and more eco-friendly models.
Eric: Now let's hear a sample sentence using this word.
Anna: (normal) Det er billigere at købe en grøn bil.
Eric: It’s cheaper to buy a green-car.
Anna: (slow) Det er billigere at købe en grøn bil.
Eric: Okay, what’s the next word?
Anna: bus
Eric: bus
Anna: (slow) bus (regular) bus
Eric: Listeners, please repeat:
Anna: bus
[pause - 5 sec.]
Buses are the most common form of transportation within large cities and from one city to another that isn't directly connected by trains.
Eric: Now let's hear a sample sentence using this word.
Anna: (normal) Bus gebyrer er ikke dyre i Danmark.
Eric: Bus fees are not expensive in Denmark.
Anna: (slow) Bus gebyrer er ikke dyre i Danmark.
Eric: Okay, what’s the next word?
Anna: lyntog
Eric: rapid train
Anna: (slow) lyntog (regular) lyntog
Eric: Listeners, please repeat:
Anna: lyntog
[pause - 5 sec.]
The rapid train is a train system that runs between the larger cities in Denmark, and will only stop at places that are connection hubs. From Copenhagen to Aarhus, it takes approximately 2 hours and 45 minutes.
Eric: Now let's hear a sample sentence using this word.
Anna: (normal) Lyntoget fra København kører enten mod Aarhus eller Esbjerg.
Eric: The rapid train from Copenhagen goes either to Aarhus or Esbjerg.
Anna: (slow) Lyntoget fra København kører enten mod Aarhus eller Esbjerg.
Eric: Okay, what’s the last word?
Anna: cykel
Eric: bicycle
Anna: (slow) cykel (regular) cykel
Eric: Listeners, please repeat:
Anna: cykel
[pause - 5 sec.]
Nearly every Dane has owned or owns a bicycle. It’s likely the most popular form of transportation, and big cities like Copenhagen are made to accommodate the many cyclists that it houses. It’s not uncommon for people to ride up to 15 kilometers to work or school each day!
Eric: Now let's hear a sample sentence using this word.
Anna: (normal) Der er over 650000 cykler i København.
Eric: There are over 650,000 bicycles in Copenhagen.
Anna: (slow) Der er over 650000 cykler i København.
Eric: Okay listeners, are you ready to be quizzed on the words you just learned? Anna will give you the Danish – please say the English meaning out loud! Are you ready?
Anna: metro
[pause]Eric: metro
Anna: bil
[pause]Eric: car
Anna: bus
[pause]Eric: bus
Anna: lyntog
[pause]Eric: rapid train
Anna: cykel
[pause]Eric: bicycle


Eric: There you have it – five Frequently used modes of transportation in Denmark! We have more vocab lists available at DanishClass101.com, so be sure to check them out. Thanks everyone, see you next time!
Anna: Farvel!

