Eric: Hi everyone, I’m Eric. |
Anna: And I’m Anna! |
Eric: And welcome to Culture Class: Essential Danish Vocabulary, Lesson 5! In this lesson you'll learn 5 essential words related to Food and Drink. These are five popular Danish Sweets and desserts. Hand picked. You can find a complete list of vocabulary at |
Lesson focus
Eric: Anna, what’s our first word? |
Anna: pålægschokolade |
Eric: thin chocolate slices |
Anna: (slow) pålægschokolade (regular) pålægschokolade |
Eric: Listeners, please repeat: |
Anna: pålægschokolade |
[pause - 5 sec.] |
Eric: |
These are thin slices of chocolate that come in dark and milk chocolate varieties. Danes typically eat this at breakfast on top of white bread. |
Eric: Now let's hear a sample sentence using this word. |
Anna: (normal) Rundstykker smager godt med mørk pålægschokolade og smør. |
Eric:Danish bread rolls taste delicious with thin slices of dark chocolate and butter. |
Anna: (slow) Rundstykker smager godt med mørk pålægschokolade og smør. |
Eric: Okay, what’s the next word? |
Anna: toms skildpadde |
Eric: Toms turtle, or chocolate bon bons |
Anna: (slow) toms skildpadde (regular) toms skildpadde |
Eric: Listeners, please repeat: |
Anna: toms skildpadde |
[pause - 5 sec.] |
Eric: |
Toms is one of many Danish chocolatiers and their most sold product is a turtle-shaped chocolate bonbon filled with a combination of rum and caramel filling. |
Eric: Now let's hear a sample sentence using this word. |
Anna: (normal) Toms skildpadden blev først produceret i 1948. |
Eric: The Toms turtle was first produced in 1948. |
Anna: (slow) Toms skildpadden blev først produceret i 1948. |
Eric: Okay, what’s the next word? |
Anna: drømmekage |
Eric: dream cake |
Anna: (slow) drømmekage (regular) drømmekage |
Eric: Listeners, please repeat: |
Anna: drømmekage |
[pause - 5 sec.] |
Eric: |
Dream cake is a soft sponge cake topped off with a lid of coconut, brown sugar, and butter. The combination of the hard lid and soft sponge is wonderful. |
Eric: Now let's hear a sample sentence using this word. |
Anna: (normal) Drømmekagen stammer fra en by der hedder Brovst. |
Eric: The dream cake originates from a city called Brovst. |
Anna: (slow) Drømmekagen stammer fra en by der hedder Brovst. |
Eric: Okay, what’s the next word? |
Anna: æblekage |
Eric: apple cake |
Anna: (slow) æblekage (regular) æblekage |
Eric: Listeners, please repeat: |
Anna: æblekage |
[pause - 5 sec.] |
Eric: |
Apple cake is a mix of apple porridge with ground up Danish macaroons. It is served in a bowl and topped with a thick layer of fresh whipped cream. |
Eric: Now let's hear a sample sentence using this word. |
Anna: (normal) Æblekage er en fantastisk sommer dessert. |
Eric: Apple cake is a great summer dessert. |
Anna: (slow) Æblekage er en fantastisk sommer dessert. |
Eric: Okay, what’s the last word? |
Anna: koldskål |
Eric: cold buttermilk soup |
Anna: (slow) koldskål (regular) koldskål |
Eric: Listeners, please repeat: |
Anna: koldskål |
[pause - 5 sec.] |
Eric: |
Cold buttermilk soup is a dish made from buttermilk mixed with egg white, lemon juice, vanilla and sugar. It is served with a kind of sweet rusk. |
Eric: Now let's hear a sample sentence using this word. |
Anna: (normal) Nogle dansker spiser koldskål som aftensmad på varme dage. |
Eric: Some Danes eat cold buttermilk soup as dinner on warm days. |
Anna: (slow) Nogle dansker spiser koldskål som aftensmad på varme dage. |
Eric: Okay listeners, are you ready to be quizzed on the words you just learned? Anna will give you the Danish – please say the English meaning out loud! Are you ready? |
Anna: pålægschokolade |
[pause]Eric: thin chocolate slices |
Anna: toms skildpadde |
[pause]Eric: Toms turtle, or chocolate bon bon |
Anna: drømmekage |
[pause]Eric: dream cake |
Anna: æblekage |
[pause]Eric: apple cake |
Anna: koldskål |
[pause]Eric: cold buttermilk soup |
Eric: There you have it – five Sweets and desserts in Denmark! We have more vocab lists available at, so be sure to check them out. Thanks everyone, see you next time! |
Anna: vi ses! |
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